Reconnecting with yourself
About Me...
As with most natural healers my journey started with my own healing path over 15 years ago. However, initially when diagnosed with ulcerative colitis I was on medication for at least 10 years before I fully took control of my health. I became so fatigued and unwell on a constant basis that I decided to experiment with my health myself. I started by looking at my diet, eliminating wheat first and within days noticed a difference. This lead me to look into diet at a much greater depth and by cleaning up my diet and listening to my body I managed to come off all medication that I was on for my colitis. Along the way my daughter suffered from severe eczema which we also relieved using nutrition. My love of learning never faded and this lead me to study with the Nutritional Healing Foundation Cto the advanced level becoming a fully Qualified Advanced Nutritional Healing Practitioner so that I could help others understand that they can also heal themselves through nutrition, lifestyle and knowledge.
What To Expect
We shall work through the 'Five Pillars of Health' - Energy, Hydration, Good Fats, Nourishing and cleansing. During the initial consultation we shall have an in-depth discussion regarding your full medical history (if possible), any current symptoms and/or ongoing long-term issues. I will ask many questions about how you felt when you first had the illness, what was happening in your life as our emotions are very connected to our health and our emotional traumas are often connected to our health. Stress is a major factor in illness and many people do not even realise how much stress their body's are under.
A personalised plan shall then be created for you, working through each phase of the five pillars. This shall be reviewed at each follow up appointment, whether this is by phone, email or face to face appointment is up to you.
Disease does not always equate to being on medication for the rest of your life. When the cells are given the correct vitamins, minerals and nutrition the body is able to work work towards healing rather than getting stuck in a chronic loop of illness. Please be aware that this is NOT a quick fix, it would have taken you years of suppression and poor food choices to get to this point, so it will take a little longer than popping a pill to feel the benefits, but believe me it is so worth it!
Please get in touch if you would like to know more or to book an appointment.